Copa TicoFPV 2020 Best Time Day 2

== General info ==
Date: 12/04/2020
Best Lap: 30.s:845ms
Diff previous session: -0.215
Best Time: 100.826
Diff previous session: -2.636

== This session details==
Track: Copa Tico FPB by Quino
Focus areas: Get familiar with the track, divide and practice by section
Goal for the day: Improve the time [Achieved]
Throttle cap: 65%
Camera angle: 45
Roll/Yaw RC 1.27 Super 0.37 Max Vel 387
Pitch RC 1.27 Super 0.37 Max Vel 387

== Thoughts/Feel/Analysis ==
Today I tried to go faster on my initial free form practices, increased the throttle limit to 80% however I was more inconsistent and my times increased, I think my flying style is more about being consistent than flying faster, I keep flying with my 65% limit which make me move the throttle stick almost full, my idea is that once I get consistency I’ll be able to increase the throttle limit and with this the overall speed while keeping the same stick feel.


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