
Breakfast of Champions

When to use organic eggs and when you can get by not using them. Also this video provides a way to make plain old egg whites a treat.

AC Muscle

Background- bodybuilding, muay thai, nutrition, fitness, personal training, power body building , power lifting ,strong man, action movies ,cars ,diet recipes, motivation, self help, improving myself every day and just getting better.

About me- I was a typical fat kid that loved all the 80’s action movies with the muscular actors. I can remember watching Rocky 4 with Sylvester Stallone over and over and is still my favorite movie to this day. I also was obsessed with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean Claude Van Damme. Basically Arnold got me into bodybuilding and Van Damme got me hooked on martial arts. The thing they all had in common was their crazy ripped muscles. I thought man if I had those me life would be perfect. So I started working out with my older brother. Well I quickly found out how hard it was and tearing down muscle hurts. So I then started reading my brothers muscle magazines and started to figure out these guys eat certain foods and a lot of protein and very little sugar. So I was hooked at 14yrs old I took protein shakes to school in a thermos and ate a lot of tuna and chicken. I made a lot of progress very fast and the more goals I achieved the more obsessed I became. I also wanted to know how to fight. I didn’t want to look the part and not be able to do anything with it. So I trained at an MMA gym and fell in love with muay thai. About a year into training I entered the Bando nationals and won the heavy weight division. I then decided fitness and health was my passion and got a job as a personal trainer at a Bally Total Fitness and started training for my first bodybuilding show. A year after that I took 6th in the light heavy weight division at the MR Ohio at 21years old. I was doing some fitness modeling and then started my own personal training /nutrition business. Then I decided I wanted to try something else outside the fitness industry. So I started working a corporate job and was doing what a lot of non gym rats do. Going to bars and not eating as clean, but I would always have the gym call me back. I was going through the motions and it just wasn’t me. I knew I was an athlete in my soul, but on the outside I was doing things that wasn’t that . I will be honest I was basically depressed because I knew deep down I was somebody else then who I was showing on the outside. So I got back with my old mentor Mike Francois (1995 Arnold Classic Champion) and started training. The best advise I can give anyone is swallow your pride and come to the realization you don’t know everything and find a good mentor! The other very useful thing I would recommend is reading a lot of motivational and self improvement books. The best advice I can give is make your mind the strongest it can be because if you can do that the stuff on the outside will just come easy. Your mind is like your body. Feed it good things and it will work a lot better. An example would be listen to your thoughts and what they are saying. If you say I am moving toward my goal. I am powerful. I can do this. Then you will. If u walk around all day saying to yourself I can’t do that. I am not smart enough. Well then that is what you are going to get. So stay as positive as possible and listen to you internal dialogue. “fake it til ya make it”


I am Training for the Mike Francois Classic and will be in the heavy weight division. I have created the AC Muscle you tube channel to inspire and help anyone I can. I look at bodybuilding and fitness people as brother s and sisters because we are all going through similar things while trying to reach our goal that 95% of the world doesn’t understand.

Contact info

[email protected] or via AC Muscle you tube Channel


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