COPA – Double SpeedCourt

Ability Training on Double SpeedCourt at COPA Soccer Training Center in Walnut Creek, CA, USA

Get the Real Speed

This brand is trusted by the sports elite

It is not just about speed….

Physical speed alone is not sufficient. You need a good perception, a fast nervous system to also trigger the process and increase speed.

All GlobalSpeed measuring and training systems are based on scientifically sound principles to allow for a sustainable promotion of cognitive and motor performance determinants: For instance, reactive agility, perception, visual speed and reaction.

Independently of the performance level, age or gender that the athlete belongs to or the type of sport, whether soccer, handball or ice hockey, etc., you come from.

Whether you are training at a high performance or recovering after an injury in various rehabilitation phases, we stand for continuous, measurable and sustainable performance improvement. For releasing previously unused capacities and abilities. For experiencing the enormous potential in the interaction of cognitive and motor performance.
That is more than just speed. That is GlobalSpeed.
We Know Speed!

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