How Will Craig Wright Prove He's Satoshi in COPA Trial?

The high-stakes COPA trial to determine the creator of Bitcoin is set for January 2023. Defendant Craig Wright claims he is Satoshi Nakamoto, but how will he prove this in court?

In this video, I speculate on the evidence Wright may try to introduce and the challenges he’ll face. To bring in documents like the receipt for, Wright would likely need to produce witnesses from the bank to certify those records. Simply signing bitcoin keys may not be enough either, since there are no other witnesses to corroborate that those keys belong to Satoshi.

As the defendant, Wright faces a high bar to prove his identity as Nakamoto beyond reasonable doubt. He can’t simply make claims – the evidence has to check out. With no one able to definitively say they saw Wright act as Satoshi at the time, he faces an uphill battle. This will be a complex legal challenge as the crypto community watches on.

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